Sunday, January 25, 2009

Takarewataya Reef

Takarewataya is located 62nm down South from Makassar, the reef diameter is around 3.3nm by 2.2nm. This reef will be totally submerged under water during high tide and only small part or the reef raise above the water level during low tide.

Takarewataya reef surrounded by deep water up to 600m depth, the West side of the reef mostly consist of slope while the East side is dominated by steep.

There is a ship wreck on the East side, this place is very popular for anchoring at night hunting for monster from the deep like Escolar.

The biggest Escolar caught from this reef was 80kg on 2007 landed by a Singaporean angler on board Theodoras boat.

Takarewataya is a very popular fishing ground for hardcore angler from Makassar, this fishing spot can only be reached during transition period between Monsoon and East Muson or vice versa.

This fishing spot is well known for Dogtooth Tuna, Ruby Snapper, and Escolar.


mancing gembira said...

berapaan nih bos biaya trip kesana sekarang

Jabricks said...

udah ga kesana lagi bro, kapal dah pindah ke wakatobi.
mending mancing di wakatobi aja lebih mantab.

Unknown said...

trip di wakatobi biayanya berapaan dong bro? rindu mancing nih.

Jabricks said...

info trip wakatobi kesini aja bro:
biasanya kalo kita yang bikin tripnya, artinya bukan private group, per orang 3,5jt all in.

al-qolam said...

mantabbbb bos

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